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Pediatric dentistry is a science that deals with children's dental and oral diseases & preventions. Many people don't even know it, but the importance of pediatric dentistry is much greater than we might think at first, since pediatric dentistry treatments determines the child's relationship to oral health and dental treatment for the rest of his life.

The importance of deciduous teeth

In the human body, two orders of teeth develop. The first order, the so-called deciduous teeth (temporary teeth, baby teeth, primary teeth dentes decidui), begins to appear six months after birth, and the remaining teeth (dentes permanentes) after the sixth year of life. Dental development begins in the 7th week of embryonic life, when the body of the future baby "builds" teeth. To “build up” healthy teeth, your baby needs a combination of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals, as well as vitamins. The deciduous teeth grow between the 6th and 24th month, but in part all twenty deciduous teeth develop before birth.

Primary teeth play an important role in the development of proper biting and chewing, in the development of the correct formation of speech sounds. In addition, they have a space-retaining role for the remaining teeth. We talk about the remaining teeth only after the last deciduous tooth has fallen out, and they appear in the order of their place in the dentures.

About dental prevention of young children

The prevention of dental problems plays a huge role in dental care. The purpose of preventive dentistry is to prevent diseases of the oral cavity and teeth and to prevent their development.

Children’s teeth are inherently healthy. What will be the future fate of these intact teeth is primarily the responsibility of the parents, as parents need to teach their children how important it is to maintain the health of their teeth. It is very important for parents to take their children to the dentist 3-4 times a year, at a very young age, at the age of 2-3. If parents visit with their children at chosen dentist every six months and have their teeth checked, they can only win with it, as trouble can be discovered in time and remedied in time, as well as advice on acquiring the right dental and oral care culture.

Many parents mistakenly believe that deciduous teeth are only a temporary problem, as deciduous teeth will fall out anyway. However, this is a misconception, as carious deciduous teeth can cause pain to the child, and early tooth loss modifies the position of the remaining teeth in the breakthrough. This is why regular screening is especially important so that caries is treated in time and the primary tooth does not have to be removed early if necessary.

About treatment of deciduous teeth

The structure of deciduous teeth is different from that of the remaining teeth, the nerve chambers are much larger and the enamel layer is thinner, so the tooth decays faster, but the complaints are the same as those of the remaining teeth, so they can cause pain to the child.

Primary teeth are treated with or without anesthesia, depending on the size of the lesion. When the caries on the surface of the deciduous tooth is still small, it is much easier to remove the carious part because it is enough to grind the tooth and then brush it.

During filling the deciduous teeth, the process makes the carious surface clean by drilling, and then the filling material is inserted into the tooth. It is not always necessary to anesthetize the young child. During the filling, a special filling material (glass ionomer cement) is added to the deciduous tooth, the great advantage of which is that it serves as a “fluoride warehouse”, thus protecting the deciduous tooth until the tooth changes, as the deciduous tooth filling must last.

If the caries on deciduous teeth is very deep, the tooth is dead or inflamed and tooth extraction may be needed. The deciduous teeth can usually be removed in one move as only the gums hold them in place. This is why anesthesia of the gums with Lidocain spray is often enough for the procedure.

If the perforated deciduous teeth are not filled, they can deteriorate so much that the nerve fiber can become inflamed, causing significant pain to the child. The deciduous teeth cannot be root treated in the same way as the remaining teeth, so they are usually filled with a unique “mummifying” paste that infiltrates the root canal, preserving and keeping the nerve fiber in the canals sterile. This procedure eliminates the pain and also ensures that the root is absorbed, which is needed for the deciduous teeth to fall out.

Furrow closure

Dental furrow closure is a simple, fast, inexpensive, aesthetic, and painless technique for preventing chewing tooth surface on chewing teeth. The procedure is relatively simple, takes a few minutes per tooth, and is not stressful for the patient. By closing the chewing surface furrows, the food residue cannot stick to the surface furrows, making tooth decay more difficult to start on this surface.

The treatment can be used between the ages of 6 and 18 years of age, and at the semi-annual inspections it is always recommended to groove the newly erupted teeth, as well as to continuously check the existing groove closures and to replace them. The procedure can partially prevent or greatly reduce the incidence of childhood caries.

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